About the Hub

The Praxis hub space offers a conscious community experience exploring the “in between” the intentional community concept and the monastic way of life in a secular frame. We engage for community but still protecting our individuals needs.

WHAT ? : The residencies are an invitation to focus on one's own inquiries, food, and deep adaptative process while engaging in collective subject within conscious community practices held by a lightweight developmental frame. .

HOW MUCH? The monthly cost ranges between 450 to 950 euros depending on the room, plus 10 euros / day for food and amenities. Possibility to stay from 1 week .

Please check the rooms and price here

FOR WHOM? we welcome all system-thinkers, researchers, cooks, spiritual ecologists, bodhisattvas, peace makers, symbiotic entrepreneurs, poets, painters, eco-dharmists - any people ready to just be with what comes and welcome dancing within complexity.

The dynamic structure of our residencies :

In our mid-term residency ( 3 months) , participants arrive with a project or a question and explore it while being part of a systemic collective body. Every day, residents are supported by an invisible framework based on Minimum Viable Practices (MVPs): shared cooking, silent meditation, housecleaning, and garden care, all of which help us navigate our emotions in a dynamic way. During the evenings, participants can share, test their practices within the group, and explore new ones. Evenings are a blend of circling or simply unwinding, with a core circle where we can engage in deeper check-ins.

Instead of following a strict program of knowledge , it creates space to listen to what collective wants to emerge. On the way , feeling the rythm of a community and observes how the system adapts to what unfolds, light or shadow.

The space for each to do their own remote work within a lightweight developmental "frame".

Building upon previous residencies, where themes like contemplative activism, eco-spirituality, interbeing, collective intelligence were explored, the practices we engage in are designed to inspire a compassionate lifestyle, ecological balance, and a shift from individual isolation to a sense of supportive community.

Schedule (indicative and will change in august with one hour later start):

  • 7-8 am: just sitting in Dojo

  • 8-9 am: buffet breakfast

  • 9-10 am: collective care for cooking, cleaning, gardening

  • 10 am-1 pm: own time

  • 1-2 pm: buffet lunch and dishes

  • 2-6:30pm: own time

  • 6:30-7:30 pm: sitting dinner and dishes

  • 8pm: optional evening activity with 1 mandatory heart core circle.

Besides the daily structure, we have evening sesions where participants may offer their own sessions to other residents.

Regarding cooking we are on a plant based diet during the week cooked by the group with a head chef changing every day. We also have a weekly heart core circle and a weekly organisational Friday lunch to plan weekly roles and sessions.

Weekends don't have any frame. During that time spontanous cooking and eating organisation happens. This is a time that gives opportunity to discover surroundings such as Plum Village or prehistorical caves.

Ideal candidates are those who resonate with these principles and practices, have a project to work on and are ready to explore being community.

The Life Itself Bergerac Praxis Hub is a space where individuals can come together to explore, practice, and embody new ways of being and relating to each other and the world.

It is a space for experimentation, exploration, and learning, where people can engage in self-work, creative work, and spiritual practices within a supportive and structured framework.

This framework combines elements of monastic and secular practices. We believe it can facilitate the development of a new paradigm of living and being, one that is more connected, embodied, and expansive.

To Know more about the hub

Sense below our flavor and see some photos of this very unique space in south of France made for the metamodern gypsies that we are !

Praxis Bergerac Hub

Why subscribe?

Subscribe to stay connected with us, even when you are not physically present. Join a metamodern community that seeks to transcend idealistic views while actively engaging in change. Be part of the second Renaissance movement and respectfully.

Be part of a network of people interested in discovering what constitutes the “ good life” ( la bonne vie) in a complex world.

Stay up-to-date

Once a month with the newsletter you can see the inquiries we will explore in the hub, read about contemplative activism ( our roots) and get a feed back of what we experienced the previous month — For a spam-free, ad-free reading experience, plus audio and community features, get the Substack app.

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News from Life Itself Bergerac Praxis Hub - https://lifeitself.org/hubs/bergerac


The Bergerac Praxis Hub is a space where individuals can come together to explore, practice, and embody new ways of being and relating to each other and the world. The general structure is based on a Praxis ecology.